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圣保罗书院A社区 & 技术学院

Summer Programs for High School Students St Paul MN

Check out our available college summer programs for high school students in St. 保罗下面!

Scrubs Camp - 职业生涯 Exploration in 健康care

2023年7月24 - 27日

Saint Paul College High School Scrubs Camp is a four-day 夏令营 for students entering grades 9-12 by Fall 2021, and wishing to explore 职业生涯s in 健康care. It is a fun way to learn about a growing field, make new friends and experience college life!

Participants will be on campus at mg电子试玩app, and take part in a variety of activities related to 健康care. This program is co-sponsored by 健康Force MN, a Center of Excellence focusing on 健康care innovation, 教育, and diversifying the 健康care workforce.

  • Scrubs Camp day program will run 8:00am, Monday, July 25 through Thursday, July 28, 2022 at 4:00pm.
  • The $400 registration fee covers all meals, 实习医生风云, 以及教学/项目/实地考察, which includes a $30 non-refundable fee for cancellations.
  • 网上注册! - 注册 全薪 or 奖学金!

For those needing funding support, $370 scholarships are available. Students should choose the scholarship option when registering. To apply for a scholarship, student must register and pay the $30 processing fee. If the student does not receive a scholarship, that fee will be refunded. The 奖学金 登记 form includes additional questions specific to the applicant's financial need.

Have questions about Saint Paul College High School Scrubs 夏令营? 联系651.403.1800或电邮 继续.教育@hoyao.net.


2023年6月26日- 30日

有没有想过电子游戏是如何运作的? 想要设计和测试自己的游戏? Students will work with multiple programming platforms to design three different video games during this workshop: an endless runner game, 一个快速点击的应用游戏, 还有一个任务游戏. Learn from a series of industry professionals including programmers, 设计师, artists and writers who will share their experiences as independent game developers in the Twin Cities. Students will also learn the basics of computer coding by using JavaScript platforms that support loops, 变量, 输入, 其他的如果, arrays and coordinate sy阀杆 based avatars. Students may choose to create their own assets including audio and visual art using digital creation tools and all participants will be able to take home a final copy of their games to share with family and friends.

学费: $325.00





2023年6月26日- 30日

An Advanced Manufacturing Summer Camp on Welding and Machining. This course will introduce 13 - 17 year old students to both manufacturing and welding. Whether you aspire to work in manufacturing or medicine, 法律或任何其他领域, having a basic understanding of how things are made will make you more appreciative of the world around you and the "tools" you will use in your life.


  • 计算机辅助设计
  • computer-controlled (CNC) manufacturing operations
  • machining and fabrication of metals and other materials
  • various welding applications and methods

设计和制造一个产品, experiencing the start-to-finish satisfaction of creating something you can show off with pride. In the process you will learn how to do CAD, 凸轮, CNC design and operate various kinds of welding and manufacturing equipment under the close supervision of expert instructors and industry professionals.

You will also learn what types of jobs exist, 这需要什么样的技能和培训啊, 以及这些业务是如何发展的.

学费: $375


位置: St Paul, Saint Paul College (Main Campus)

注册 for 想象它,设计它,制造它!


2023年6月26日- 30日

Have Fun Exploring the Wonderful World of Hair, Skin and Nails!


  • Haircare with Flat Iron/Curling Iron Workshop
  • 头发包裹和编织车间
  • Personal Hand Care with Manicure Workshop
  • Personal Foot Care with Pedicure Workshop
  • 个人皮肤护理
  • 基础化妆工作坊

Workshops: Practicing technique on each other or with a mannequin

学费: $275


位置: St Paul, Saint Paul College (Main Campus)

注册 for 美容夏令营-夏季美容夏令营


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